Chair the Fed Game

Chair the Fed

Thank you for your interest in the monetary policy game, Chair the Fed.

The game has been a useful and fun tool to learn more about monetary policy. However, the Fed has updated its approach to monetary policy, and the changes are not readily accommodated within the existing structure of the game. As of June 1, 2021, the game is no longer available.

New SF Fed Resource: FOMC Rewind

FOMC Rewind is a texting video series that explains the main points of FOMC’s meeting statements.

What does the Fed’s April FOMC decision mean for you? Our short video explains. (video, 1:23 minutes)

Download the transcript and discussion questions (pdf, 81 kb).

More FOMC Rewind resources coming soon. In the meantime, you might also like Teaching the New Tools of Monetary Policy by the St. Louis Fed.

