Financial Crises in Emerging Markets


Thursday, September 23, 1999 – Friday, September 24, 1999

Financial Crises in Emerging Markets

Conference Sponsored by the Center for Pacific Basin Monetary and Economic Studies
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
September 23-24, 1999
Program and List of Participants (PDF-26K)

Conference Papers

  • Joshua Aizenman and Nancy Marion, Dartmouth College
    “Uncertainty and the Disappearance of International Credit” (PDF-89KB)
  • Menzie Chinn and Kenneth Kletzer, University of California, Santa Cruz
    “International Capital Inflows, Domestic Financial Intermediation, and Financial Crises Under Imperfect Information” (PDF -246KB)
  • Kristin Forbes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    “How Are Shocks Propagated Internationally? Firm-level Evidence from the Russian and East Asian Crises” (PDF – 335KB)
  • Stijn Claessens and Simeon Djankov, World Bank, and Tatiana Nenova, Harvard University
    “Corporate Growth and Risk Around the World” (PDF -85KB)
  • Reuven Glick, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Michael Hutchison, University of California, Santa Cruz
    “Banking and Currency Crises: How Common Are Twins?” (PDF -136KB)
  • Paul Masson, International Monetary Fund
    “Multiple Equilibria, Contagion, and the Emerging Market Crises” (PDF -79KB)
  • Michael Dooley, University of Callifornia, Santa Cruz and Inseok Shin, Korean Development Institute
    “Private Inflows when Crises are Anticipated: A Case Study of Korea” (PDF -232KB)
  • Assaf Razin, Stanford University and Tel Aviv University, Efraim Sadka, Tel Aviv University, and Chi-Wa Yuen, Hong Kong University
    “Excessive FDI Flows Under Asymmetric Information” (PDF -216KB)
  • David Gould, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Steven Kamin, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
    “The Impact of Monetary Policy on Exchange Rates During Financial Crises”
    (PDF -184KB)
  • Robert Dekle, Cheng Hsiao, and Siyan Wang, University of Southern California
    “Interest Rate Stabilization of Exchange Rates and Contagion in the Asian Crisis Countries”
  • Ronald I. McKinnon, Stanford University
    “Limiting Moral Hazard and Reducing Risk in International Capital Flows:
    The Choice of an Exchange-Rate Regime”
    (PDF -128KB)