We produce a wide range of publications that share the latest data, analysis, and insights from various teams at the SF Fed. Our publications help inform and strengthen public understanding of economic issues and its impact on people and communities.

Economic Research Publications
FRBSF Economic Letter >
Economic analysis for general audiences
Does Monetary Policy Tightening Reduce Inflation?
Recent research has identified periods when the Federal Reserve intentionally acted to slow inflation when it exceeded desired levels. The success of these disinflation attempts reveals the extent of policymakers’ commitment to lowering inflation. An extension of this analysis indicates that successful disinflations are associated with a decline in the demand-driven component of inflation. This was especially evident during recent monetary policy tightening, with contributions to core inflation from demand declining 2 percentage points since the summer of 2022—the largest decline for any deliberate disinflation attempt since 1969.
SF FedViews >
Analysis of current economic developments and the outlook
SF FedViews: January 16, 2025
Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau, vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, shared views on the current economy and the outlook from the Economic Research Department as of January 16, 2025.
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Working Papers >
The latest in economic research
German Inflation-Linked Bonds: Overpriced, yet Undervalued
We document that German inflation-linked government bond yields contain a convenience or safety premium averaging 0.33 percent. Yet, the German Federal Finance Agency decided to cease all future issuance of these bonds in November 2023. We examine the market response to this announcement and find that neither the safety premia nor the trading conditions of these bonds have been negatively impacted. Hence, this bond market remains a rich source of information on real rates in the euro area in addition to offering investors a safe inflation-protected asset.
Community Development Publications
Community Development Research Briefs >
Research Briefs feature data and commentary on community development trends and issues.
Homeownership Opportunities Beyond Single-Family: Quantifying the Current Landscape
Although homeownership is commonly portrayed as a single household living in a detached house, homeownership in the U.S. includes an array of opportunities, some of which provide more affordable entry points into owning a home.
Community Development Working Papers >
Working papers provide in-depth analysis of emerging community development issues from practitioners and scholars.
Housing Market Interventions and Residential Mobility in the San Francisco Bay Area
Limited evaluation research exists on which housing solutions are most effective in stabilizing communities so that those who wish to stay are able to do so in the midst of an influx of newcomers. This study seeks to fill this gap by assessing patterns of individual and household mobility related to specific housing interventions in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. Specifically, this study examines impacts of market-rate and subsidized development, and tenant protections, including rent stabilization and just cause for evictions protections.