The Sacramento Promise Zone and Downtown Housing Forum


Wednesday, June 24, 2015


1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, followed by a networking reception


Sacramento City Hall
915 I Street
Sacramento, CA95814


Leilani Barnett
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Recently, the Obama Administration announced that Sacramento was designated as one of eight new Promise Zones across the country. Promise Zones can be leveraged to spur job creation, increase economic activity, improve educational opportunities, improve health and wellness, and revitalize neighborhoods. In addition, Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson announced a housing initiative for 10,000 new homes in the central city over the next 10 years. Six-thousand of the homes are envisioned to be market-rate units, 2,500 affordable-rate units and 1,500 units specifically designed for homeless individuals.

Learn about opportunities to contribute to the Promise Zone efforts, and discuss how regional community development needs can most effectively be addressed. Network with other financial institutions, developers, government staff, community-based organizations, and local leaders.

Speakers will include Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, SHRA Executive Director LaShelle Dozier, and other leaders.