Wednesday, February 10, 2016
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Federal Reserve Bank of San FranciscoLos Angeles Branch
950 S. Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA90015
Laura Choi
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Let’s strengthen the financial future of Los Angeles!
What It’s Worth: Strengthening the Financial Future of Families, Communities and the Nation, makes clear why every household’s financial health matters for the U.S. economy to thrive. This collection of essays from some of the nation’s leading experts examines the systemic causes of financial insecurity, the enormous creativity and innovation already happening to increase financial well-being, and how we can implement proven and emerging solutions.
Join us for this special event to explore new ideas and opportunities for building financial health and well-being in Los Angeles. This interactive discussion will explore affordable housing, employment, public health, and financial services, as well as cross-sector approaches to community and asset development.
Speakers will include:
Ray Boshara – Senior Advisor and Director of the Center for Household Financial Stability, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
David Erickson – Director of the Center for Community Development Investments, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Andrea Levere – President, CFED
Ellen Seidman
Local experts from the public, private, and non-profit sectors in Los Angeles
There is no cost to attend this event, but registration by February 4th is required for security purposes. What It’s Worth: Strengthening the Financial Future of Families, Communities and the Nation is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and CFED. Funding for this project was generously provided to CFED by the Citi Foundation.