Interagency CRA Bankers Roundtable – San Francisco Region


Tuesday, May 24, 2016


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
101 Market Street
San Francisco, CA94105


Lena Robinson
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

At this roundtable, participants will discuss CRA opportunities in workforce development. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is the most recent legislation that provides funding and guidance for workforce investment boards across the country. One of the innovations contained in the legislation is the requirement to integrate financial capability in youth workforce development programs.

There are many opportunities for banks to earn CRA Service and Investment Test credit though partnerships with workforce development organizations. At this event, directors of the largest workforce investment boards in the Bay Area will describe their core programs, training focus, strategic partners, and other important aspects of their compliance with WIOA. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding about how workforce development works and identify opportunities to support this important community development activity.