SF Fed’s Williams to Stream Video of Public Speaking Events Online

San Francisco, California – John C. Williams, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, announced today that he will stream video of his public speaking events online whenever possible beginning April 12, 2016.

“It’s important to me that the decisions we make about monetary policy, the research we undertake, and the way we see the economy unfolding are as accessible as possible to the public,” said Williams. “While some Fed watchers and policy mavens will still look to text, others may find they prefer the access and availability of online streaming. In any event, it’s just one more step we’re taking to ensure that the dialogue with the public stays open, relevant, and adaptable.”

Williams’ public speaking events will be streamed online at twitter.com/sffed, and will be archived on the Bank’s new YouTube page. A list of Williams’ upcoming public speaking events to be streamed will be published to the Bank’s twitter account.

The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (SF Fed) works to advance the nation’s monetary, financial, and payment systems to build a stronger economy for all Americans. As part of the U.S. central bank, the SF Fed serves the Twelfth Federal Reserve District, which covers the nine western states—Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawai’i, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington—plus American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. By pursuing our two key goals of maximum employment and price stability—known as the Fed’s dual mandate—we work toward supporting an economy that works for everyone.