Far too many families are struggling to manage their household balance sheets, which has far reaching implications for neighborhood, regional, and national economic growth. This effort aims to promote healthy financial management and asset development among low-income households by addressing issues such as savings, debt, affordable and safe financial services, and financial capability. This effort is part of a larger system wide initiative to address Household Financial Stability.
Household Net Worth and Asset Ownership among the Economically Vulnerable
Research Brief (April 2013)
Increasing Financial Capability among Economically Vulnerable Youth: MY Path
Working Paper 2013-03 (March 2013)
The Subprime Crisis in Suburbia: Exploring the Links between Foreclosures and Suburban Poverty
Working Paper 2013-02 (February 2013)
From Cashing Checks to Building Assets: A Case Study of the Check Cashing/Credit Union Hybrid Service Model
Working Paper 2013-01 (January 2013)
Investing in What Works for America’s Communities: Essays on People, Place, and Purpose (2012)
Money Savvy Youth: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Financial Education for Fourth and Fifth Graders
Working Paper, 2012-02 (August 2012)
Income Inequality’s Impact on Community Development
Community Investments: Volume 23, Issue 2, 2011
Community Development in Practice
Community Investments: Volume 23, Issue 1, 2011
Student Debt and Default in the 12th District
Research Brief (December 2011)
2011 Third Quarter State Consumer Credit Reports
Improving Evaluation and Metrics in Youth Financial Education
Special Report (July 2011)
The EITC in the 12th District
Research Brief (May 2011)
Sought or Sold? Social Embeddedness and Consumer Decisions in the Mortgage Market
Working Paper, 2010-09 (December 2010)
Who Receives a Mortgage Modification? Race and Income Differentials in Loan Workouts
Working Paper, 2010-07 (December 2010)
Strengthening Financial Education in California: Expanding Personal Finance Training among Youth
Working Paper, 2010-02 (May 2010)
The Effects of the Real Estate Bust on Renter Perceptions of Homeownership
Working Paper, 2010-01 (April 2010)
External Resources
Household Financial Stability Initiative at the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis