Human capital development, namely education and workforce preparation, plays a crucial role in expanding access to opportunity and economic mobility for lower-income individuals. Promoting high quality, affordable education, from early childhood through post-secondary and workforce development, is vital. Equally important is providing the right support structure that maximizes student success: ensuring that the individual’s housing, nutrition, health, and household financial stability needs are met. The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco promotes this topic to encourage the community development field to engage with the education sector, highlight the importance of working in partnership with education providers, and promote integration, in terms of making education part of the discussion of other community development strategies.
Investing in What Works for America’s Communities: Essays on People, Place, and Purpose (2012)
Money Savvy Youth: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Financial Education for Fourth and Fifth Graders
Working Paper, 2012-02 (August 2012)
Community Development and Education
Community Investments: Volume 24, Number 2, 2012
School Quality and Affordable Housing in the Bay Area
Research Brief (June 2011)
Improving Evaluation and Metrics in Youth Financial Education
Special Report (July 2011)
Student Debt and Default in the 12th District
Research Brief (December 2011)
Charter School Tax Credit: Investing in Human Capital
Working Paper, 2010-08 (December 2010)
Related is a web portal to community development resources from all 12 Federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors. Through a single web gateway, users can access hundreds of Fed materials that address barriers to economic growth and promote fair and informed access to financial markets.