Lars Peter Hansen, University of Chicago
Central Banking Challenges Posed by Uncertain Climate Change and Natural Disasters


Thursday, June 10, 2021


SF 8:00am, NYC 11:00am, BERLIN 5:00pm



Lars Peter Hansen is the David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and a 2013 recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. His research blends macroeconomic theory and statistical methods to try to explain the effects of uncertainty on economic decisions. He uses asset market data to try to understand how agents form beliefs and thus explore the linkages between financial markets and the macroeconomy. One recent application of his research is the study of how to tackle uncertainty to confront climate change and hence better design policy responses.

This seminar is part of the Virtual Seminar on Climate Economics series hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and is open to everyone interested in research on the economics of climate change.

Download the paper (pdf, 1.7 mb)

Watch the recording (video, 48:28 minutes, with transcription)