As a community-engaged bank, the SF Fed seeks out real-time information on economic conditions by engaging with and learning from businesses, community organizations, and local leaders. These conversations are one of the many inputs into the decisions and policymaking at the Federal Reserve as we pursue our mission.
Here’s a snapshot of a recent outreach visit to California’s Inland Empire from Sylvain Leduc, Executive Vice President and Director of Research at the SF Fed.
The Federal Reserve System’s 12th District is an economic powerhouse. I was reminded of our regional economy’s dynamism on a recent trip to California’s Inland Empire (IE). Comprised of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, the IE is home to 5 million people, making it the third largest metro area in California. Driven by agriculture for much of the 20th Century, the area’s economy has increasingly diversified. This diversity was on full display during my presentation to Inland Action Inc where I discussed inflation, the labor market, and the outlook for growth with business and community leaders from the area’s healthcare, finance, education, logistics, and manufacturing sectors.
I was introduced to another facet of the IE’s economy during a fascinating visit to Garner Holt Productions, Inc. which produces animatronics for theme parks, museums, studios, and entertainment companies across the world. That’s one perk of working in this creative region! I want to thank Garner Holt for the peak-behind-the-curtain tour of his company and also Deborah Barmack and Kevin Dyerly of Inland Action Inc for hosting the SF Fed.

Kudos to my colleagues Qiana Charles and Chi Elder who work so hard to develop relationships with such organizations in our District.

The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.