Community Investments

June 1, 2002

For years, representatives of financial institutions have gone into schools with piggy bank programs to introduce the importance of savings to young children in the hope of establishing positive, life long financial habits. This tells me that financial literacy isn’t new. What is new is the significant attention being given to financial literacy. It is correctly recognized as the remedy for a number of maladies including bankruptcy, predatory lending, the wealth gap, low self-esteem, even stress.

The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or of the Federal Reserve System. Material herein may be reprinted or abstracted provided Community Investments is credited. Please provide our Community Development Department with a copy of any publication in which material is reprinted.

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Table of Contents

Editor’s Notebook
Lena Robinson

Using the Media to Deliver Financial Education
Viola Bostick

Youth Credit Unions
Ronald Wilson

Compliance Corner: Avoiding Common Pitfalls of Data Collection
Donald R. Narup

District Update

The Association of Reinvestment Consortia for Housing
Fred Mendez

Selling Affordable Multifamily Mortgages
George Vine