Chair the Fed: Resources for Educators

The Chair the Fed game will be discontinued on June 1, 2021. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has changed its approach to monetary policy, and the new strategy is not readily accommodated within the existing structure of the game. For new resources, please visit Teaching the New Tools of Monetary Policy.

Explore free classroom resources for today’s busy teachers that complement Chair the Fed: A monetary policy game. Taking an active approach to learning, Chair the Fed offers a variety of options to engage your students in understanding more about the role of monetary policy in the economy.

Suggested Activities

Suggested activities offer a brief, turn-key approach to teaching about the economic concepts within the game, in one class period or to assign as homework.

Chair the Fed – An Introduction to the Game
Level: Introductory
This activity serves as a quick introduction to the Federal Reserve and monetary policy using a demo of Chair the Fed: A monetary policy game.

Can You Keep the Economy on Track?
Level: Intermediate
This activity introduces Chair the Fed: A monetary policy game as a way to learn about how changes in the fed funds rate affect inflation and unemployment.

The Real Fed Funds Rate
Level: Advanced
This activity introduces the concept of the real fed funds rate using a short video clip from the Chair the Fed video Q&A.


Online videos provide teachers and students with the opportunity to learn more about the inner-workings of the game.

Chair the Fed Game Videos


Online quizzes not only help teachers assess student mastery of the economic concepts, but also help students actively learn about and understand those concepts.
